My Achievements
Confidence is your best hairstyle! You look great, now conquer the day!
You've raised $1000! Congratulations legend!
Online squad, tick! You are now an online super star #PonytailProject
Halfway there! We believe in you
#PROUD! You have reached your fundraising goal! You are inspiring!
You've raised $5000! We'd love to officially welcome you into the Pony Club Hall of Fame!*
Our Team
Madison Carmody (C)
Lacey Harth
Raised so far:
Bella Challenor
Raised so far:
Kate Lees
Raised so far:
Charlotte Tranter
Raised so far:
Mehek Gandhi
Raised so far:
Evie Whitby
Raised so far:
Ella Hedge
Raised so far:
Isabelle Prewett
Raised so far:
Amy Forknall
Raised so far:
Caitlyn Garratt
Raised so far:
Sophie Pollock
Raised so far:
Karrissa Coombridge
Raised so far:
Amy Theobald
Raised so far:
Lydia Betts
Ollie Burton
Raised so far:
Kenzie Dwan
Raised so far: