Getting involved is easy!

Squad assemble, get your girls or guys together to create a team!

Start growing those locks now so you can donate more hair to make wigs and more funds for cancer research!

Now it's time to fundraise and hit your target! Prizes are up for grabs too.

Rock the chop on your chosen date at your chosen place. Remember to bank the funds from your chop!

Meet Bridie
‘I have always wanted to donate my hair, but I could never find the right time. In early 2020, when I found out a close family friend had been diagnosed with breast cancer, I thought that now was the right time. I wanted to feel like I was making a difference. I loved knowing that my donations and hair would be going to someone that would appreciate it and that it would help boost their confidence.
My Tips
Ponytail Project was a great experience and a fun way to help others. Have fun, post on social media, ask your friends and family to support you and don’t forget to let people know what a difference they are making.’

‘I wanted to do the Ponytail Project because of my friend Maddy, who was diagnosed with cancer when she was a toddler. After seeing photos of her without her hair during treatment, I thought my hair could be made into wigs and I could raise money at the same time. It's a fun thing to do and it feels great raising money to help stop cancer. Your hair will grow back, but you will have done something amazing.
My Tips
I organised a Crazy Hair Day at my school so people could donate. My friends and family were really good at spreading the word on social media and encouraging others to donate. My friends, family and some teachers also donated to chop! Set a fundraising goal and then share it with everyone you know! Remember, every dollar counts, and ask friends and family to help you.’

‘For a long time, I have always wanted to donate my hair to people with cancer. I know that I am lucky enough to be able to grow my hair back and giving to others is a very rewarding experience. I was scrolling TikTok, saw an ad for Ponytail Project, and was inspired to sign up. It has been an opportunity to give back to someone else and become part of a community of people who want to help others.
My Tips
I shared my fundraising page on social media, with my dance school, my school, family and friends. They knew my passion to donate my hair and how long I had been growing my hair for. They knew my hair meant a lot to me. Don’t be afraid to chop your ponytail as it is a rewarding experience and your hair will always grow back! Make sure you get as many people involved as you can, so you're able to raise as much money as possible.’

‘A dear friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer and seeing the impacted it had on her was my motivation to sign up to the Ponytail Project, to help raise vital funds for cancer research. My favourite part about Ponytail Project is knowing that what I am doing is helping cancer patients know that they are not alone. I would encourage others to take part in the Ponytail Project as not only do you raise funds for cancer research, but the ponytails are made into wigs. Receiving a wig as a cancer patient gives them hope to keep fighting and know that they aren’t alone.
My Tips
Fundraise that are fun for kids of all ages. My journey was so fun, we involved the whole school through fundraising and advertising our chop. We did the big chop on our school parade and raised a total of $3100. I had a positive experience with Cancer Council Queensland, with the help of Bec from Cancer Council's local office. Ask to talk on school parades to share why and what you are doing to get the support of your peers. My tip for staying motivated throughout the journey is to remember the people you’re helping by cutting your hair.’

Meet Lily C
‘Both family members and friends of mine have been impacted by cancer. As soon as I found out about the Ponytail Project I knew I had to get involved. The Ponytail Project gave me a way to help those close to me and others who need it. The Ponytail Project allows anyone who has a ponytail to participate in something that positively affects another's life. It's an amazing opportunity and I feel like everyone should get involved in some way, be it by registering or supporting someone who has. Many lives are affected by cancer and if cutting your ponytail off brings some light to people’s lives, then why not.
My Tips
Use social media as much as you can, it made my fundraising a lot easier. Try to get some of your local businesses involved in supporting you. There will also be times when there aren't as many donations as you would like, but remember, your decision to fundraise and cut your hair is making a massive difference in somebody else's life, even if it's a small amount.’
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