Ponytail Project 2025 QLD

We're rocking the chop to put a stop to cancer!

Did you know that 1 in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime?

We're taking part in Cancer Council’s Ponytail Project campaign to raise funds that will support people impacted by cancer.

Throughout the year, we will be growing my hair as long as possible, alongside peers all across Australia, before chopping off my ponytail and rocking a brand new hairdo. Every ponytail chopped will make a difference to the lives of people affected by cancer #chopforchange.

All funds raised will go towards essential cancer support services, prevention programs and lifesaving research. This means everything from transport to get cancer patients to and from their medical appointments, to assisting childcare facilities to keep kids safe from the sun.

We know that we can help create change.

Will you support us?

You can find out more about where your donations go at

Thank you!

Our Achievements

Shared on socials

Invited friends to join team

Added a blog post

Girl squad assemble, you will achieve incredible things together!

Confidence is your best hairstyle! You look great, now conquer the day!

Halfway there! We believe in you

PROUD! You have reached your team fundraising goal! Your squad are inspiring

Thank you to our Sponsors


Kestle Harvesters Pty Ltd


Danni Dwyer

Good on you Chelsea , you are such a wonderful person and doing a wonderful thing I’m sure your Nan is looking down on you and smiling


Leanne Cameron

Ellyse, I commend you and your Friends for your efforts in raising awareness for this dreadful journey of Cancer so many, of all ages need travel. Hoping this small amount of help will allow another to feel whole again, with a wig or a pigtail as lovely as you and your friends. It’s the little things hey darling, that mean the most. Love and Respect to you, Your Friends, your dear Parents, your Brother and Sister Lxxxxx🧡


Christine Mayne

Gooo girl 👏👏






Marissa Costello


Trae Winton


Ulandra Bloodstock

Well Done


Joe Maher


Julie Unwin

Lucy , what a beautiful thing to do ❤️ so proud of you love. ❤️


Neil Wallace

Well Done 👏🏻


The Hutchies

Proud of you for choosing to participate in this great cause. You are going to Rock the Chop!!!


Teresa Scrivens

So proud of Ellyse.


Trae Winton


Mac Morris


Bernie Bourke

Inspiring effort, Christine!


Ironside Industry




Fran And Don

Well done to all of you for supporting a cause that so needs our support. Everyone will be touched by this insidious disease at some time. Again - well done.


Susan Cruickshank


Fraser & Sharon Young & Family

Can’t wait to see the new ‘Bob’ ✂️ Well done 🥰


Lin Cox

What a great effort. You are helping many people


Jo Sellick



Cindy Tf

Well done, I’m so proud of you. Much love❤️


Isobel Lewis

Here ya go 💗


Isobel Lewis

Love you I reckon you'll rock a bob 💗


Matt Butler


Jeremy Manalad

Good luck! God bless!


Edwina Coggan

Well done Ellyse!


Anne Prime

Go Girl Hope you raise the money but not sure I want you to cut your beautiful hair 🎠


Louise Cox

What a great cause to support. Well done Heather. Your lovely long hair will add such value to someone in need.


Stace Petersen



That's an amazing thing you're doing!


Evelyn Eusebio-santos

I hope it helps. Love you Connie Anne






Martin And Karen Shepherd

We are both very proud of you Heather, well done for such a great cause.


Archie Lewis


Don Dawn

Good job, you go girl……


Libby Cooper


Invergarry Equine


Jane Macfarlane

Well done Heather for getting involved in a great cause👏👏


Jane Macfarlane

Awesome Lucy to get involved with such a great cause 👏🫶


Brett Wallace

Nice one Lucy!


Sandra Supranowicz

You are really doing an amazing thing.




Carolyn Lamb

Good work Heather. A wonderful effort for a great cause.


Hilec Electrical


Hayley Mackenzie


Harry Mcalpine


Hannah Holmes



I’m so proud of you ❤️


Annabelle Lang

Proud xx


Tom Crook



Karen Waldron

What a wonderful thing you are doing Xxx


John And Libby Cumberland

Good luck to everyone in this quest


Danielle Van Bennekom

Go Lucy. I can’t wait to chop it off. 😊




Tony Mcmahon

Best of luck


Katie Brooker


Zoe York



Pam Bowerman

Hi Paige, Nan donated you $20. Good luck with your fundraising.




Harry Mayall


Ella Mcglashan

Proud of you kenz


Ella Mcglashan


Ella Mcglashan





I 💗 🫵



Hi sigma




Jack Unwin

Hope this helps ❤️


Mandy Rees



Zoe York




Hannah Bowerman

Go Paigey, get the bob! 💇‍♀️🎀



maggie is lovely girl with a lovely ponytail


Anthony Proberts-pittman

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