2025 RGS Year 12 Senior Girls

Ponytail Project 2025 QLD

We're rocking the chop to put a stop to cancer!

Did you know that 1 in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime?

We're taking part in Cancer Council’s Ponytail Project campaign to raise funds that will support people impacted by cancer.

Throughout the year, we will be growing my hair as long as possible, alongside peers all across Australia, before chopping off my ponytail and rocking a brand new hairdo. Every ponytail chopped will make a difference to the lives of people affected by cancer #chopforchange.

All funds raised will go towards essential cancer support services, prevention programs and lifesaving research. This means everything from transport to get cancer patients to and from their medical appointments, to assisting childcare facilities to keep kids safe from the sun.

We know that we can help create change.

Will you support us?

You can find out more about where your donations go at ponytailproject.com.au/about-cancer-council

Thank you!

Our Achievements

Shared on socials

Invited friends to join team

Added a blog post

Girl squad assemble, you will achieve incredible things together!

Confidence is your best hairstyle! You look great, now conquer the day!

Halfway there! We believe in you

PROUD! You have reached your team fundraising goal! Your squad are inspiring

Thank you to our Sponsors


Anna Hick

Good on you Renee! Love The Hick Family


Ben Mackay

Kick Arse my Beautiful Daughter❤️❤️❤️❤️


Anthony Facelli




Mary Vagg

Great cause Kay 💞


Erin Dean

Proud of you and the girls for making a difference in someone else’s life who really needs it. 💕


Monique Jackson

Awesome work Charli, great cause to support. Xx


Jackson, Jonathan And Genevieve

Go Katie!


Uncle Chris & Aunty Dea

Paige, since punching cancer in the face isn’t an option, here’s a donation instead.


Faye Dudley



Good on you Sienna! A great cause and a beautiful niece! Love you x


Heidi James


Geoffrey Wieck


Melinda Newitt

Good on you Jill for doing this. You have beautiful long hair that will make a nice wig for someone.❤️❤️👧


The Werner Family



Kylie Hassett


Mum& Dad

So proud of you Paigey xx


Krisanya Goodfellow

Fabulous effort Amelie. x


Breanna Baker


Patricia Thimassin


Craig Burkhardt


Daniel Carly


Mumma X.

Good on you beautiful 🩷




Ssc Homes Pty Ltd


Adele & Richard Acton

So much long beautiful hair!!! I’m sure you’ll get at least 25cm.


Lily Price

Proud of you Katie 🤍




Kobey Ehlers


Heather Rob

Can’t wait to see your new ‘do’. A great cause and commitment xx


Tamara Moretti

❤️ 🙌🏼


Ronald Perkins


Emmy Hoad

Good luck! I love youuuuu


Kate Weir

Great cause Amelie xx


Sheryl King

Well done Kate


Cassandra Stacey

I was going to share this on the Facebooks under "If Freya raises enough money, she said I could shave off one of her eyebrows" but my better judgement won. Love ya!


Angie Nixon

Love this Hollie❤️



You got this Renae




Azalea Hassett





Jodie Johnson

Well done Kate and the rest of your team. What a beautiful thing to do xxx


Rohan & Renee O’farrell

Good on you Kate


Kirsty Roberts

Well done Amelie! Such an amazing cause xxx


Krista Becker




Brendon Briggs


Kathlene Bulloch


Sandra Kernke



Alenna Patterson


Jamie Davis

Nice work Chico baby


Cassie Cooper


Renae Palmer


Maggi Hawkins


Immy Drake

I love you xx


Stuart Briggs

Well done, Liana!


Melanie Ohl

This is a very courageous and selfless thing for you to do. Your hair is stunning and those who lose their hair, through this disease, will be extremely grateful for your donation. Thank you.


Jo Richards


Cherie Cavanagh

Good cause J Can’t wait to see the after photos


Lachlan Kavanagh



Proud of you sweetheart


Kaitlyn Emery



Well done sweetheart


Sophie James

Proud of you Hollie! Love you x


Julie Hunt

Way to go Freya. Think you pretty amazing ❤️❤️


Libby Hampson






Penny Humphries

Great job Amelie, get on that keratin!


Lauren Cooper


Katii Smith


Eliza Acton



Relle Mcauley

Good effort with your fundraising Kaylee & the year 12 girls 💇🏻‍♀️💇🏻‍♀️💇🏻‍♀️💇🏻‍♀️💇🏻‍♀️💇🏻‍♀️💇🏻‍♀️💇🏻‍♀️💇🏻‍♀️ And Happy Birthday Kay 😻🍩🎉


Glenda Garfield

Wonderful cause. Congratulations Renae x


Madison Day



Zach Kamp



Zoe Smith

Good on you Kay!


Pamela Walters

Awesome cause.




Poppy Miles


Katherine Cox



Liz Clare

Well done Renae!!!



You go girl xx




Toby Warlow


Elli Blyton


Colette Shields






Nice work!


Wilson Keating



Molly Kidd




Molly Kidd

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