We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.
As Molly journeys through life, she holds a special belief close to her heart - the power of helping others. It's a principle that has guided her for years, leading her to fundraise, host events, and volunteer for numerous charities and foundations. And now, Molly is thrilled to embark on a new mission: participating in The Ponytail Project.
This year Molly has been honoured with the positions of School Captain for The Rockhampton Grammar School and named Rockhampton Region’s Young Citizen of the Year. Using these appointments as a platform, Molly has kickstarted her school groups “Rock the Chop” fundraising efforts. Leading by example, Molly is encouraging the community to get behind us and support The Cancer Council’s Ponytail Project.

What inspired you to participate in Ponytail Project?
How did you hear about Ponytail Project?
How have you spread the word about your chop?
My family and I have been spreading the word via social media, have displayed the posters with my QR code in a couple of local businesses and have also received support of 3 local businesses who have allowed us to place donation boxes in their stores.
Which three words best describe your Pony journey?
Supportive, grateful and appreciative.
What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of #RockingTheChop?
Definitely take the plunge and get on board! Joining The Ponytail Project leaves you with the great feeling that you're helping others who truly need it and spreading the word about Cancer Council Queensland's mission.
Molly raised $4,015 for Ponytail Project! Check out her image library below.